The Island of Misfit Toys
The life and death of a Retard
Sunday, April 29, 2001
Hmm, a day where I actually get to realx somewhat. Yesterday I ref-ed from 9-1 then cut grass from 1-3 and then went to a Riverhouds(soccer) game with the family. Today I have to clean my room that's a wreck 'cause I haven't had time to clean it for the past couple weeks. Hmm, well I've sat here for 10 mintues trying to think of something to write, so I'm gonna go clean my room, and then see if I can think of anything.
4/29/2001 01:21:00 PM
Friday, April 27, 2001
HOOOMMMEEEE Again!!! Wow, it actually seems like people noticed I was gone, or even
MISSED me *gasp* no, I must be imagining things. Ohio was really boring, I walked around while my mom a sister asked questions about the college. The hotel we stayed at was really fancy(AND cost a lot, but it was the only hotel w/open rooms :-p) I walked in wearing jeans and a sleevless cut-off jammin to Project 86--and EVERYBOEY was wearing tux's and 3-pieces with names like "Francis." I got a lot of weird looks from the stuck-up rich preppy people. THEN we had to get vallet parking 'cause there weren't any lots around. So we had to tip this guy everytime for driving our car.
While we were actually on campus as OSU mum was trying to say hi and be 'social' toward all the students, which was really embaressing 'cause nobody talks to anyone else, and when people DO talk they get weird looks.
Rats, I gotta go unpack the car :-p
4/27/2001 08:17:00 PM
Wednesday, April 25, 2001
Personal Person:
Chris Rodden A.K.A. Ugly, Bob, retard, whatever. Chris is ugly, which is why we call him Ugly. He plays(or at least tries to) soccer and the keyboard. He's not quite as accident prone as I am, but has had his share of 'incidents' i.e. almost choking to death on water last year. Chris has a very sick sense of humor, and is one of the few people who understands mine. "Johny, where's my sugar?" "Tear their femurs out!" Um, he's like Bramble in that he's an accomplished procrastinator, and he uh, well he has a poster of Britany Spears in his room, 'nuf said. Oh yeah, he's also called sunshine 'cause he bleached his hair. Chris does a lot of stupid stuff, make stupid remarks, like seeing dipthongs at the beach in spanish class. Hmm, I know Mr. Ugly better than almost anyother person, and I can't think of anything else to write. He likes to draw on Rachel, Kelly and Danielle with markers, hates Grace, hates dogs...uh, wants to move out of Pennsylvannia, and I cannot think of anything else.
4/25/2001 08:57:00 PM
Yeah, I get to go to Ohio tomarrow, and miss two days of testing *darn* Don't anyone miss me too much or anything(or even notice I'm gone) We(Chris, Danielle, Matt 1 and 2) got to miss that stupid carrers class 'cause we were 'taking a quiz' then talked w/Ms. Fedon about, um hmm I forget, oh well. I had to ref tonight,
again I hate ref-ing, but it's money.
4/25/2001 08:18:00 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2001
Track is really fun-for the first 10 minutes of "warm ups" which are more like workouts. It's even uh, "funner" when you just came from 2 hours of soccer.
Now I'm sitting here wasting my time 'cause I have a million other things to do before I can think about going to bed tonight(empty trash, dishes, homework, study, vaccume etc.)
Today in soccer Chris B. was punting the ball out of the goal area, not taking into account that I was standing 3 feet away from him. All I rember was trying to duck, the ball hitting me in the eye at a million mph, and then lying on the ground. Oh yeah, and of course everyone laughing. :-p
Today was the first time in a while I actually fell asleep in class. It was after the spelling section in the stupid SAT's we're taking. Then I hear *deep slow voice* "CllOOOSEEE YYOUURRRR BOOKKSSS..."
The day was pretty slow, Bramble and I tried to fix Ms. Fedon's printer to no avail.
Well, it's late and I SHOULD have gotten off sooner, but I'm learning the ways of procrastination from Matt.
4/24/2001 08:08:00 PM
Monday, April 23, 2001
I am going to die. From testing, from exaustion, frustration, dehydration, you name it. My weekly schedual(like anyone cares) is as follows:
Monday - ref at EHCA, then at Freeport, 4 hours total.
Tuesday-soccer at EHCA from 3-5 and then track practice from 6-8.
Wednesday-Ref at Freeport for 2 hours.
Thursday-track practice.
Friday-2 more hours at Freeport Saturday-4 games at Freeport, another 4 hours.
So that's the main reason I haven't posted anything interesting for a while.(or ever) This...Thursday and Friday I'm going to Ohio State College w/my mom and sis, so I won't be at the car washes. Um, hmm I don't think anything else happened. The youth retreat was fun, the guys worked on some cool videos I'll have to get a hold of and show ya'll sometime.
4/23/2001 08:07:00 PM
Friday, April 20, 2001
4/20/2001 03:57:00 PM
Wow, I actually get to do something this weekend. Our youth group's having a retread Friday and Saturday. I'm sure
everybody's going to miss reading incredibly boring blogs for a whole day.
Nothing of any interest really happened today, we disected fishies in biology and they smelled really bad. I got to do one *all by my self* 'cause I came in late. Mrs. Pollock had somebody ELSE come in today and tell us that we were Jewish in Bible class, I threw a box of kleenex at Chris in geography, but missed and they ended up in the garbage. Anna or somebody gave Lizzy $3 to 'pinch my cheek' during spanish class. Now I will be forced to annihlate both of them so that there is no possible way of recovering what's left of their remains.(Maybe we could disect them for biology) Other than that, the day was pretty un-eventful. Now Bobbi and I are reveling in self-pity b/c neither of us have social lives.
4/20/2001 03:50:00 PM
I can't belive this. I missed my bus this morning, I was out on time, but nooooo, my impatient blonde bus driver has to show up early and leave w/out me. :-p So I'm sitting here now waiting for my mum to get done w/her hair. I didn't get a chance to post anything yesterday 'cause when I got home from school I had to go to an allergist apointment around the Ross Park Mall area.(which took 2 hours worth of driving just to get there and back) Then as soon as I got home I had to go to track practice. I found something out while I was there, I'm not as fast as I thought I was. I was able to keep up w/the couple of guys that were around my age(prob. a year older) but they wooped my behind in the sprints. I didn't finish last, last(thank God there was a slow kid there). Practice was from 6-8, and now my legs probally hurt, but I can't tell yet 'cause I still can't feel them.
Okay, mum's ready to go time for me to leave.
4/20/2001 07:32:00 AM
Wednesday, April 18, 2001
Random Thought: I wonder what it would be like to swim across the Atlantic in a giant crab suit.
4/18/2001 03:37:00 PM
What a day. Mrs. Getch is totally off her rocker, doesn't know how to teach anything, we have two quizes tomarrow, I hate this "carrers" class, pop quizes in biology stink, we have to write poetic stuff for english and Chris keeps talking about dipthongs. We did get to go out in the hall and pray after lunch today which is a plus. We just prayed for the basic stuff, teachers, the president, students etc. I'm hopin we don't run out of things to pray for...
We have like, 30 days of school left or somethin like that. Which is kinda a scary thought for me-because that this means the year is almost over, and next year will be my first year in public school. Hopefully they'll let me come back to play soccer though.(The soggy paper curtain strikes again) I think I'm actually going to miss things like Mrs. Pollock's lectures on being a Jew, playing hackie sack w/a beach ball in Ms. Fedon's room, "fixing" the computer's all the time, playing soccer in the mud, making fun of the Fat(Danielle) and having Kelly tell me that I don't match.
4/18/2001 03:06:00 PM
Tuesday, April 17, 2001
By popular demand(Rachel bugging me constantly) I figured I better do another personal person-today's is
RACHEL Rachel Lasher, we like to call her an air head but she fiercly denies that she may be one. Rachel usally wears shoes/boots that make her 3 inches taller, and she likes to point out other people's shortness. Um, oh yeah she blinks funny-she closes one eye and then the other, she can't seem to syncronize them, kinda like her dog who has lop-sided ears. Hmm...she is computer illiterate, likes to beat up Chris(who constantly torments her thought class) plays solitare a lot, and...hmm I'm drawing a blank, what DOES she do? Well...if I think of any more incriminating evidence I'll post it later, but now I have to go finish homework :-p
4/17/2001 06:52:00 PM
Geography - Finish stupid chart we didn't have time to do in class
English - finish Quiz time 3
Algebra - Pg. 181 16-31
Spanish - worksheets
4/17/2001 06:38:00 PM
Note to self: Never, NEVER run out of gas when driving. After running around for and hour and a half playing soccer, my little sister and I were headed for track practice. Then our car started making these funny noises and slowly rolled off to the side of the road. 5 mintues later I find myself running down a mile long stretch of road to the nearest gas station-up hill and into the cold wet snowy wind :-p Running back to the car with a gallon wasn't exactly any easyer either. Not only were my legs numb, but my arms were falling off. So that was my event of the day. Oh yes, EHCA homework:
Biology - read section 19.2 and answer 6 section review questions and 7 indentify words
4/17/2001 06:31:00 PM
Monday, April 16, 2001
First Greatist Hits:
Once apon a time, there was a little boy who ran behind his dad who was on the lawn mower...:-p
Okay, then my dad threw the tractor into reverse and ran me over with my leg under the tractor. I thought he knew I was under there, and was playing a crule joke, but as the blades(that were obviously running) got closer, and closer, and I begin to feel wind coming off them, and they got closer and..."DDDAAAADDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!" My dad glances down casually before he realizes his son is underneath and tractor and his eyes fell out. So that's how I came with in 1/8 of an inch to losing my leg.
The End
4/16/2001 07:25:00 PM
I can not belive it's SNOWING! I was out ref-ing in the cold wet rain a while ago. Earlyer today, well VERY earlyer today Bramble came 6:00 in the morning! He could only get a ride w/his dad when he went to work, which was at 6AM.(and we didn't have anything better to do) We slept out in the cold camper, so as not to wake my parents, and froze to death. Then we helped my dad dig a hole so we could find our disfunctional septic tank. Did I mention that Matt eats a lot? Well he does, he's getting fatter and fatter everyday, I'm trying to get him on a diet.
4/16/2001 07:16:00 PM
Sunday, April 15, 2001
*yawn* Just woke from my mid-day nap. It's Easter and, I'm doing absolutely nothing of interest. So I'll write my first personal person: *drumroll* The first person is...
Matt Bramble(who I picked simply because he's first on my buddy list) Matt had a mushroom shaped bowl-cut and we used to always make fun of him for it. But he finally got some of his hair cut off and now looks less like a mushroom.
Matt's your typical chick-magnet stud, which is fitting because he...well, he likes girls a lot, and a lot of girls. To the guys Matt's more commenly known as "Bramble" or "Gumby " (He runs funny) Matt is the master procrastinator and is currently trying to teach me the ways of skilled procrastination.(But I'm not learning too well). Most commenly used phraze: "oops" Developed during the EHCA Highschool soccer era(error) when Bramble would let some one by, or let the other team score all he could say is "oops."
4/15/2001 02:05:00 PM
Saturday, April 14, 2001
First Entry: I'm feeling rather crazy right now. Our basement started flooding around 6:00. So my dad and I ended up pumping drainage out of this weird concrete hole in the ground. It was great, brown water, chopped up foods, and other, uh *cough* items. Around 7:30 it started raining, pouring rather. So now we were smelly, wet and cold. We finally got most of the 'water' out around 8.(I'm still not sure exactly WHY were were pumping this disqusting stuff out, all I was doing was what my dad told me to) But I'm walking around singing, screaming at random times, and staring off into space for 10 mintues intervals. So I'm feeling a little odd, I think it was some of the fumes I inhaled.
Anyways my first personal person is...nobody! I'm too tired to do one. I'm going to bed, I'll get one up tomarrow.
4/14/2001 07:37:00 PM
This is my first try at this, but I'm not really sure why anyone would want to come read about a boring short Korean kid.
So, in order to try and get people to actually come and look at my boring life every once in a while I'm going to include the following things:
1.) Post homework. People who go to 0EHCA could find this beneficial.
2.) Personal Person. I'm going to write about some one every once in a while, who they are, how I know them, what color socks they're wearing etc. SO, if you want to know what I'm saying about you, you should check back here every now and then
Hopefully I'll learn something sometime and be able to get pictures and stuff up.
3.) Greatist Hits. A detailed explanation of my near-death encounters, or any other time I did something really stupid.
4/14/2001 07:34:00 PM
April 2001
May 2001
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August 2001
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