The Island of Misfit Toys

The life and death of a Retard

Monday, February 18, 2002

"Hey Zach, wanna go to New York and visit Ground Zero?"
"You'll prob. miss 3 days of school"
"I'm there."
Yeah, so I'm going to New York City tomarrow. Kinda long story and you don't care anyways.
So I had to go to school *BLEH* and get all my books and stuff so I can do work in the car.

Saturday, February 16, 2002

"Where are we supposed to meet them at?"
"Aroprostale, Allipocal, Arepostale, or something like that."
"oh okay, it's right over here."
"uh Chris, that's victoria's secrets..."
Ugly and I went to Monroville mall today w/Rachel and Fat and Dustin(Fat's b/f). Um, we walked around, I got Sam her b-day present, we had a pizza, Dustin ran up the down escalator...

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

Did I write that I sprained my ankle? Most everyone prob. knew already. But Thursday night I got kicked playing soccer in my right ankle which has suffered multiple injuries so we finally decided to go get it checked.
And I WAS going on a hike that weekend, but for some odd reason my parents wouldn't let me go....
Oh well.
School's boring, nothing new.
Sam got a lizzard, I'm not really sure what for, maybe to eat eventually.

Saturday, February 09, 2002

Summer Job Possibility Number 1:
Life Gaurd

*sitting in one of those tall chairs, twirling the whistle around, pretending like I'm paying attention*
Person 1: Help help I can't swim!
Me: Then you shouldn't be in a swimming pool in the first place bub.
Person 1: No, please, help me!
Me: Stop splashing
Person 2: Aren't you going to save him?
Me: If I have to come down off my chair you're going to have bigger problems that drowning buster.
Person 1: *gurgling sounds*
Me: Don't die, it would look bad on my resume
Me: Why is that ambulence here?
Person 1: ********
Me: Sir please move out of the lane, it's for laps only

Problem #14:
Give the focus, vertex, and directix of the parabola with equation y = -x to the second.
I hate algebra 2.
Have you ever seen that commercial where there's this whole class room of kids chanting "al-ge-bra, al-ge-bra"
They should all be shot.

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

this zit on my forehead is starting to bug me
" *fyi* you're blog isn't working."
" that's okay, I haven't updated it in about a week."

Today, I got up and went to school. (just like everyother day)
I sat around in boring classes (just like everyday)
I pretended like I was doing something in gym class (just like every Tuesday and Thursday)
I fell asleep on the bus on the way home (just like every other day)
I got home and am doing homework and studying for the 5 tests I have coming up.

Just like everyother day.


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