The Island of Misfit Toys

The life and death of a Retard

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

It's that time of the year again. No, not time to start slacking off in school, even though I have, not time to dig the shorts out of the bottom of my closet, which I have, or opening up the pool, which we haven't. It's time to start cutting the grass again. *dramatic chord* That dreaded thing I spend 75% of my summer doing. We should really invest in astro-turf or something.

Monday, April 15, 2002

so, and then, later we, after that, then he said, and I said, before that they...
(I have nothing to write about)

Thursday, April 04, 2002

I thought about disbanding my blog on account that a) no one reads it anymore and b) it's because I don't write anything which is because c) what life I have is boring and not worth writing on.
But I just couldn't bring myself to push the "Delete this blog" button, even though I haven't even updated it for a month.

So...does this mean I'm writing things every day again? Hahahahahaha, right....if I had the TIME and things to write on, maybe. But that's not happening now.

Anyways, what HAVE I been, indoor soccer's almost over(we hold the impressive record of 1 win and a lot of losses) THEN we start training for the outdoor season.
I'm playing keyboards and synthesizer in our youth group's worship band. And we're doing the entire church service on the 14th of this month. *gulp* fortunately we have enough speakers and singers. I'm still pretending to play guitar, I think people are getting used to tuning out my cacophony 'cause they're not screaming and running away when I play anymore.
School...still sucks. I will never have appreciated a summer as much as when we get out. I hate school, hate hate hate hate.


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