The Island of Misfit Toys

The life and death of a Retard

Monday, December 31, 2001

Happy Birthday Matt and Kelly

Their birthdays are on the same day, what a coincidence.

Sunday, December 30, 2001

A certain reader said that one-sentance blogs for the day don't count.

Mary had a little lamb.
Little lamb little lamb

Mary had a little lamb
It's fleece was white as snow.

I haven't done anything so there's nothing to write.
Tomarrow is New Year's eve, but you knew that. I was going to post pictures but it wasn't working for some reason.
Kylee Wyotee is here and we're playing guitars and inventing new words via scrabble (scabble)

Coln: To hang oneself off one's bed and put gel and hairspray into ones hair until it stands straight up.
In two days I will return to the dungons of Freeport Highschool. "run away run away!"

Know what's a funny name? Ulrich.

Saturday, December 29, 2001

Lord of the Rings is awsome.

Friday, December 28, 2001

History 101

I would've updated before I left but the server had "a security breech" or something of the sort.
Well in case nobody noticed (and apparently nobody did because I got nil e-mails; oh wait that happens when I'm here) we were in DC for two days visiting my relatives on my dad's side. None of my cousins under the age of 10 would look at me. Hmm, I didn't even have to try. Anyways it was 2 days dog free, approx. 10 hours of car riding, lots food, staying in a hotel, and being sick. savor the last precious days of my vacation before I return to hell, um I mean school. I wanna go see Lord of the Rings again and possibly skate but we'll see.

Tuesday, December 25, 2001

"Living is a sickness to which sleep provides
relief every sixteen hours. It's a palliative.
The remedy is death."

"Let us consider that we are all partially insane.
It will explain us to each other; it will unriddle many riddles;
It will make clear and simple many things which are involved in haunting and harassing difficulties and obscurities now."

-Mark Twain

Merry Christmas.

There I said it.

Did you GET everything you wanted? Did you spend the first hour of your day tearing up paper GETTING and making a mess, then spend the rest of the day whining about what you didn't GET? Are you going to return the things you don't like tomarrow and GET what you really want?

I hope not.

Monday, December 24, 2001


WOAH! I got pictures up!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry you had to see this werid ugly one first, but it was the only thing I had around.
In the future I might actually post them in some sort of an organized fashion.

(not likely)

Sunday, December 23, 2001

The next time some old person says to you "I remember you when you were only this tall..."(oh wait, you STILL only this tall)
Respond by saying "yeah? well I remember you when you had real teeth."
My mom says I fell down stairs a lot when I was little.

Why am I not surprized?
What? I haven't updated my blog in 4 days?
I got an overcoat for Christmas. It's NOT a trench coat. Even if it was I don't see how a coat can be evil.

Hmm...We watched Pearl Harbor in school on Friday, I guess it was pretty good. I didn't really want to go to school at all, esp. since we had a double-header the night before. But we were getting out early, it still counted as a full day AND we just sat around and watched the movie. So I rolled out of bed, threw clothes on and went.

Since then...haven't done much. Went to see Lord of the Rings, which was AWSOME.

Wednesday, December 19, 2001

I have a bad habit of losing my guitar picks when I'm playing. I think I probablly ate them all. 'Cause I'll be sitting at the computer playing, then hold the pick in my mouth to type or something. And I always walk away pick-less. I wonder if they have any nutritional value.

1 1/2 more days to go.
You know what's really irritating? Christmas music: cheesy, sappy, corny, happy-feel good Christmas music. Singing about God only knows what(but not about God). What idoit wrote a song about bells "jingling?" Somebody must have way too much time on their hands, go do something useful instead of sitting there sucking up perfectly good oxygen-no body cares about "how much fun" it is to ride in some big cart with skiis.
Christmas carols are one thing, they actually have meaning and follow the whole real meaning behind it.

Today was boring, just like all the others. Our english teacher made us get up in front of everybody and tell about our english projects. She said "I feel so bad that I'm the only one who gets to see these, they're so nice"
It's REALLY okay, nobody needs to see my project I did the night before.
We don't need no education,
We don't need no thought control,
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Teacher, leave those kids alone.
Hey, Teacher, leave those kids alone!

-The Wall by Pink Floyd

Thursday, December 13, 2001

I'm talking to two people about blogs.
And why they never update them *cough cough* You know who you are...

This is what I did today:
Well on second though I'll start from yesterday night:
9:00 - 11:30 Re-read an entire chapter on the idoitic table for chemistry AND took notes on the whole thing.
11:30 - 12:30 spanish spanish spanish, I dreamt in spanish that night
12:30 - 6:00 sleep
6:00 - 6:30 I forget exactly what I was doing, it was too early. Something along the lines of brushing teeth, putting clothes on, that kinda thing.
Sometime during the school day: took a spanish test, took an algebra test, took a chemistry test. Went to gym at picked up really heaving things for no apparent reason.
2:37 till when I got home absolutly no mental activity goes on during this time. The most thinking I do is which bus is mine. Put my headphones on, sit there and vegetate.

Monday, December 10, 2001

Know what's absolutly dequsting? A dog drinking. It sits there and slobbers all over the place-you can hear it from a mile away. And it spills it's silva and water ALL over the floor. The only thing more gross is dogs in general.

Saturday, December 08, 2001

Lexa's home from college for Christmas so I asked her to braid my hair. I thought you know, braids would be cool. She braided the top in rows, I said 'okay,' I don't know a ton about braiding. Well...the braids pulled the hair down showing that I have an extreamly flat head.(in the front AND on the top) So...I, werid I guess. HOPEFULLY I can convice her to "re-randomize" them to it covers up my flat head.
We went and got our tree today. I guess it was alright considering. I mean A)I'm alergic to christmas tress and B) it was wet rainy and miserable out(actually it still is)
Only 2 more weeks until Christmas vacation, I wonder if I can make it that long.

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Things I want to do.
1) Play my guitar. I may not be any good at it, but I like it.
2) Sleep. Everyone likes sleep
3) Draw and write. I may not be any good at those either, but like I said, I like it; I never said you had to.
4) Play hacky-sack
5) Play soccer
6) Go to youth group
7) Go to parties. This may sound typical, but not the parties where you go and get drunk or stoned. The only time I really get to people from EHCA is at their b-day party, or Christmas party or whatever. And we usually do something, um, I guess you would say fun. Singing kareokee, playing trivial pursit at 12:00 at night, walking to Dawn's to buy an apple, locking people in closets etc. etc.

Sunday, December 02, 2001

I think I MIGHT actually be making progress on the guitar, my dad actually RECOGNIZED a song I was playing.
I borrowed Kyle's eletric, it's so much easyer to play than an acoustic.

Saturday, December 01, 2001

Went to Fat's party tonight. It was cool, kinda werid having the people from EHCA and youth group all in one place. I think soon I'm going to forget what Fat's real name is(I think it's Danielle). We just played hacky-sack and listened to music. Bramble and I did kareokee songs(how do you spell that?) It seemed short though 'cause I got there late and everyone left early.
Kelly and Bobbi say I got taller, I think they must have shrunk or something.
I got her a can of slim fast, which was THE present of the night. Well not really, but it was still funny.


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