The Island of Misfit Toys
The life and death of a Retard
Thursday, June 28, 2001
Well, I'm back, for now. We're going to my sis' graduation ceremony tonight, then driving back to Creation tomarrow morning. It's really hot there, lots of dust and people. I haven't seen Mrs. Busler yet, I wonder if that's a good thing or a bad thing...
Okay, this is for Rachel in paticular, who is an airhead. See the words "WHERE IS MY MIND?" if you click on those words it takes you to my guestbook.
6/28/2001 09:50:00 AM
Thursday, June 21, 2001
I would say something sappy 'cause I'm not going to talk to anyone for a whole week *gasp* but I canna think of anything ("Canna" is my new word, it means "cannot" spoken like a Scot)
So, don't miss me too much, read the archives when I'm gone, leave me messages in the guestbook, (That DOES have a link to it...Rachel) say no to drugs, and always wear your seatbelt.
(I'll be back on July 1st if anyone cares)
6/21/2001 10:04:00 PM
Hopefully you'll be able to laugh at this thing that happened to me, if you don't think it's funny, I'm really honestly sorry, maybe you can write better stories for me to laugh at.
After spending 3 days in Wal*Mart, we (my Mum, Lex, and Sam) finally made it to the check-out counter and waited another 48 hours for the lady in front of us to find her checkbook. I was pretty tired, and was blankly staring at the vast array of AA Bateries when my mum calls out "Oh Zach, did you say you needed UNDERWEAR???" Which immediately attracted the attetion of every person within ear shot. At first I thought about casually walking away and pretending my name wasn't "Zach" I didn't know a "Zach" and never wanted to BE a "Zach." Instead I grited my teeth and said "uh, yuuhh, tanks mum" (yeah thanks mom) Then she called out(yes she CALLED, OUT) THERE ARE ONLY THREE PAIRS IN HERE, ARE YOU SURE THAT'LL BE ENOUGH?" I didn't see anyone, but I know people were rolling around on the floor laughing. I was waiting for her to then say "CAUSE YOU KNOW, ALL YOUR UNDERWEAR AT HOME HAS
BROWN!!!" Fortunately that thought didn't cross my moms mind. So through my teeth I responded again, "nuu mum, tees, fine" (no mom, three's fine.) I then proceeded to walk out of the store as quickly as I could without attracting any MORE attention.
6/21/2001 06:19:00 PM
My mum got me NICE clothes to wear to my sis' graduation. *AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!* like as in a NICE button down shirt, and a TIE, and even a SPORTS JACKET...AHHHH, I look like an idoit wearing all this stuff. But the jacket costs $$$ so we'll probally take it back. *whew* but I have to wear these ankle hugging NORMAL pants. I look like a prep.
6/21/2001 12:14:00 PM
I went to the doctors today, and he said I was ugly. He gave me some medicine for my uglyness. We have to go back out later to get stuff for Creation. Don't anybody miss me too much while I'm away. You all can write lots of posts in my guestbook to make up for my boring entries.
6/21/2001 11:46:00 AM
Wednesday, June 20, 2001
Angel - Slick Shoes
Looking into your eyes I’ve seen all I want to be and I don’t want it to end. If I could only put to words the way I see you. I only know I have an angel with me now. And when I fall asleep your all that I see. You’re in my thoughts and all of my prayers. I wish I could mean all that you mean to me. But I could never find the words to tell you. And when I fall asleep your all that I see. You’re in my thoughts and all of my prayers. I wish I could mean all that you mean to me. And when I fall asleep your all that I see. You’re in my thoughts and all of my prayers. I wish I could mean all that you mean to me. My angel without wings.
6/20/2001 03:24:00 PM
Random Memory:
The time we were in English class and everybody was quiet, I think we were reading something. Then Kelly's stomach, LOUDLY goes *uuurrrrryeerrp* (that growling sound it makes when you're hungry).
6/20/2001 12:09:00 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2001
Personal Person: Danielle Thompson
More commenly known as fat, THE fat, blob, or THE blob.
- wears boots with 6 in. heels
- is fat
- sits w/the guys at lunch(WHY, nobody knows)
- pokes/writes on Chris' neck
- is too happy
- easy target to make fun of because she puts up with it
6/19/2001 02:02:00 PM
SIGN MY GUESTBOOK PEOPLE It's boring not having anything to read.
I finished
ALL the mowing today, I had to fix the lawn mower like 3 times in the process. Um, after that I got in the pool, ate lunch...did geometry and now I'm doing nothing.
6/19/2001 01:52:00 PM
Monday, June 18, 2001
I'm having a bad day. I was trying to cut grass on this hill(very difficult) when the handel on my push-mower, when the handel decides to come off. So I drag it back to the garrage to fix it, while I'm doing so, the oil filter overflows and oil spills out onto the floor. So I have to clean the oil filter, AND change the oil. Then my mom asked me to empty this trash can which was full of maggots. So now my hands have this wonderful stench of oil, grass and maggots. *yum yum* Then of course I couldn't have a simply geometry lesson today-my brain's fried.
6/18/2001 01:37:00 PM
It's really hot out, esp. when you have to wear long pants and mow in between shrubs(ha ha) and through jaggers and such. But my mummy says I have to get all the mowing done before I leave for Creation. Speaking of which, we're leaving, um, *thinking* this Friday I belive. We'll be gone for like over a week 'cause we're going for setup, and staying for the festival which is only like 3 days. Our camper has flooded the past two years, and one time it managed to soak all of Chris' belongings-including all his clothes. Ask him about being a sandwich sometime.
6/18/2001 09:54:00 AM
Saturday, June 16, 2001
We had our last track meet today in Penn Hills. It poured, we got wet(soaked) and I did bad. Well, I got 3rd in javlin I guess that's not too bad.(Considering there were only THREE people) So I'm beat now, I want to go vegetate in front of the televison. However Danielle's bugging me about getting HER a blog now. And of course she needs help...
6/16/2001 02:49:00 PM
Friday, June 15, 2001
I think I'm going to pass out. I'm blowing up this...big floaty thingy for the pool for my mummy. The airpump doesn't work so I'm doing it by hand(mouth). Mu heeks hut, an mu muth iss sore, an I sund like Bubby now. (My cheeks hurt, and my mouth is sore, and I sound like Bobbi now.)
6/15/2001 07:25:00 PM
I think I need to start getting up earlyer. *gasp* But the days seem so short when you sleep in. Not that I have anything of interest to do, but wasting time takes a long time, and I have to do geometry, cut the grass, do dishes, wash/vaccume the cars, empty the trash, etc. etc. etc.
I didn't get up until like 9 today 'cause I was up 'till mid-night keeping Lex company 'cause she got her wisdom teeth removed and has been moving around like a snail moaning all day. (She talks like Bobbi "mudder and fudder")
6/15/2001 01:06:00 PM
Thursday, June 14, 2001
Quote of the Day:
"Better to keep your mouth shut, and let people think you're stupid, than to open it and confirm their suspicions."
6/14/2001 12:20:00 PM
Wednesday, June 13, 2001
I finally got a link to my guestbook up. Well, with a lot of guidence from my sister anyways. So post stuff there, like everyday so
I have something to read.
Bored? Read the archives! Then you'll be REALLY bored and will go find something worth while to do.
6/13/2001 08:20:00 PM
I don't know if everyone knows this, but I did really bad on the Stanford tests we took in school. According to the results I got back I "indicate little or no mastery of fundamental knowledge and skills" in mathematics. I'm below avergage in statistics, probability, trigonometry and calculus, also in earth and space science. That's not all, but anyways, personally I don't think they mean anything, I just think I didn't do well on the tests because A) they were stupid, B) I didn't really care. So, now you all know that I'm a stupid, and un-caring student who will never succeed because I did bad on these tests.
Anyways, now I get to take another mathematics test, AND an online Algebra 1 repeat course, to go along with my geometry video course.
6/13/2001 06:09:00 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2001
Person-Thingy: David Colwell
A.K.A. Davie [day-vee] I hope Davie never reads this, and if you are reading this Davie, don't take it too seriously. Davie...well, has...a number of issues. First of all he cannot read. While in English he sounds something like "and....then..*swallow* he...ran..*cough* over...du(the).." Now this wouldn't be SUCH a bad thing, if he didn't volunteer for EVERY major reading part. He pretty much talks the same way, when he gets excited everything comes out in a blur. For example, "Oh my gosh, did you see Zach die?" Comes out as "bbwwwuuuu..duuu ahhhh yoo seeeeeezacck ie??"
Davie isn't the most coordinated creature on the face of the earth either, you should see him swing the bat when we play softball-we want to put a fan on it so we can get some AC in the outfield.(he never hits the ball either) But...all things considered, he's okay he has his moments, what they are though I'm not quite sure.
6/12/2001 08:17:00 PM
Injury number 151.(well actually I don't know the exact number, it may be more, may be less) It all started when I woke up this morning. See, if I had stayed in bed like I knew I should have, this would never have happened.
My day went pretty normal, cooked myself breakfast, played around on the piano, wiped out cities on Age of Empires(computer game) went with mummy to Wal*Mart and got cool sunglasses and a zip disk, did geometry...BUT...then I had to go to...TRACK PRACTICE *dramatic chord*
Coach was working w/us on the long jump, and we had to try and hit this ball attatched to a stick when we jumped. Myself not being cursed with heighth, couldn't reach the stupid ball on a stick. Finally, after looking really gay missing it all the time, I decided that I was GOING to hit that stupid ball on a stick, so I took my run, jumped, hit the ball, and stumbled-then, as I was catching my balance(while still moving forward) I caught my hand on one of the metal spikes on my track shoes. Now I have a nice big gash right below my right thumb. It may not seem to dramatic, but it's pretty cool looking.
6/12/2001 08:06:00 PM
Monday, June 11, 2001
(this is one of those "you had to be there" stories," so bear with me)
There's been this black cat w/white socks wandering around our property for about a month now. It fights w/our cats and eats their food. We couldn't get near it to catch it, so we decied that we'd have to shoot it. BUT...last night Lexa caught it in the garage. So we had this frantic stray cat trapped in our garage. We chased it into a box, but it got out before we could close it.(We being Alexa, Samantha and myself) Then it ran behind this shelf-desk thingy. So we pulled out--nevermind, it's really bizzar, you'll have to come over and watch the video of us chasing this cat around the garage.
BTW, we DID catch it and get it into a cat-carrier, only to let it escape the next day out of an unstable dog kennel.
6/11/2001 10:57:00 AM
Friday, June 08, 2001
I'm running into some difficulties: I'm trying to get a guestbook thing up, but I can't quite seem to pull it off. So for now just go to and tell me what you think. (If you DON'T think then please say so.)
6/08/2001 07:58:00 PM
I've just been to Rachel's blog...somebody help that girl, she's got three posts, one of consists of "Only 8 days of school left." But, like she said, not everybody can be as creative as I am.(what that really means is
Bobbi, tell me your middle name sometime so I can win a prize. If anyone remembers, Rachel won the first black Jeep that I buy...
6/08/2001 07:23:00 PM
Lessons Learned in Life:
Things never download unless you sit and and watch the whole 47,933 k get transfered. If you leave to do something worth while, your internet connection will inevitably fair. If you try and run something else while your sitting at your computer waiting it will crash.
(I learned all this while trying to download Age Of Empire's 2 becuase I forgot to get the CD off Matt.)
6/08/2001 04:06:00 PM
*ppppppbbbbtt* My three wishes at the moment are as follows:
1.) I had a life. Ask Bobbi, all we do is sit around and complain that we have no life; of course she does so as she's about to go off to camp and have fun for 2 weeks. While I stay here, trying to learn geometry and cut grass-which brings me to my second wish:
2.) I didn't have alergies. You're outside for 1/2 hour then your nose starts to run, your eyes swell shut and your head pops off. Chasing a head who's eyes are swollen shut is a lot harder than a head with eyes that are open. And you have to find it before the head drowns in snot-pretty sick.
3.) Uh, 3, hmm I wasn't ugly. My sister's off to a homeschooler's prom(yes they do actually have one). I considered going, but "I don't have anything to wear." Unless I can go in jeans and maybe a button down shirt. I couldn't see myself in a suit anyways, I might look worse than normal.
6/08/2001 04:03:00 PM
Wednesday, June 06, 2001
What I did today:
Woke up, got the trash out. Ate, got a shower did geometry. Talked on IM, mopped the floor, went for a jog. Um, talked on IM some more, went to Staples and saw Ugly, went to the Highlands track and ran around in circles, ate again, picked up Lex from gymnastics, came home, and worked on our video.
I think that's it.
6/06/2001 09:22:00 PM
I received a letter from a reader complaining about an airhead alert I posted. The reader wanted me to post that "I'm sorry after a resent letter and some simple reminders I realized that Rachel Lasher is NOT an airhead!"
While there is the slightest possibily that Rachel MAY not be an airhead, she cannot punctuate, nor spell "resent"correctly.
Monday, after an incredibly boring morning of walking around a golf course, Chris and I went to my house to mow grass and set up a tent, while Matt B. and Matt B. went to Matt B's house. We joined the Matt B's around 4, watched part of the Matrix, then went back to school to help set up cookies for the awards ceremony. After the awards ceremony (I got some Barnabas award for warning people, which promptly earned me the nickname "Barney" from my friends) we went to my house, watched Monty Python, which the Matt B's had never seen before, and then burnt most of our books, we didn't go through all of them 'cause there were too many.
6/06/2001 08:30:00 AM
Friday, June 01, 2001
One more day left. Next Monday I'll go to school, help with the stupid walk-a-thon, possibly stay for the field day, then go to Beer-man's house. Go back for the awards ceremony, and that will be it. I'll be Freeport-bound after that. I met w/the guys from the soccer team and the coach today after school. They all seemed pretty cool, a good group-I can't wait to start playing.
Helping w/the little people's "field day" was horrible. It was raining so they were all stuck in the gym, 120 little kids running around screaming. Then they went outside and literaly rolled in the mud, they were COVERED.
*WARNING - AIRHEAD MOMENT* Today Ashley, Kelly and I were filling up water balloons in the kitchen. Rachel walks in and starts talkin, I aimed the hose-sprayer thingy at her and said "Hey Rachel, could you turn the water on?" And she's like *ditzy* "okay." Turns the water on and gets soaked. THEN she blames it on ME, can you imagine?
6/01/2001 06:01:00 PM
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