The Island of Misfit Toys
The life and death of a Retard
Friday, September 28, 2001
Hmm, I've sat here for about 10 mintues trying to think of something to write and talking to a couple people on IM.
Went to the football game in Freeport for a while 'cause my mom wanted to go(we've NEVER been to a highschool game). So we watched for about 15 mintues and said "this is boring, let's go home."
So I'm at home now, which isn't bad at all, I don't feel the need to go anywhere tonight.
9/28/2001 09:38:00 PM
Thursday, September 27, 2001
Will You Be There(Falling Down) by Skillet
As I fall to sleep
Will You comfort me
When my heart is weak
Will you rescue me
Will you be there
As I grow cold
Will You be there when I'm falling down
Will You be there
When I'm in retreat
Can I run to you
Will my pain release
At Your mercy seat
9/27/2001 07:00:00 PM
The whole situation over the past 2 days has been quite, um, different, amusing, anything you wanna call it, so here's a rundown:
Tuesday night I got hit pretty hard and my parents took me the the hospital.
After x-rays and hours of waiting the nurse came in and said, you're fibula's broken and we're going to splint it.
Wednesday I stayed home from school 'cause they told me too. I was on crutches all day.
I when to our game at Shady Side even though I couldn't play, and to youth group that night, it really wasn't bothering me a whole lot.
Thursday - went to the orthopedics. He looked at the x-rays, moved my foot around and said, you're leg's fine.
Actually he said my fibula(which is the thin bone on the outside of the leg) has been broken for a while but hasn't affected me.
SO, my leg's broken, but it's been broken(
I'M not even sure how that works) BUT, I can still play soccer.
9/27/2001 01:55:00 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2001
I really did it this time. Last night at our game at Deer Lakes I fractured my ankle. Well,
I didn't do it, it was number 5 on the other team. I was off the ground and played the ball to a team mate, and 5 decides to take me out. He did a pretty good job too, I'm out for 6-8 weeks, which is basically the rest of the season.
The worst part is that we lost 3-2 in double overtime which pretty much killed our chances at the playoffs.
It was absolutely freezing last night, and it was raining, we were all running around w/steam pouring off of us.
After the game my parents decided to take me to the hospital, which was the stupidest idea in the world because nothing was wrong...But by the time we got there it hurt so bad I could hardly walk on it. It was cool though because I got to take a wheel chair into the ER waiting room. So we sat and we sat, with the cat and the hat. My ankle felt, like it'd been hit by a bat. They took x-rays, and we waited(does anyone EVER not have to wait more than 2 hours in the hospital?) the nurse came and said that my fibula was fractured and they'd have to splint it.(My
ankle wasn't really fractured, but it's in that area) so we waited another hour for another nurse to come in and put the splint on; it was 1:00 in the morning by the time we got home.
9/26/2001 11:55:00 AM
Monday, September 24, 2001
People tell me my blog is depressing, but I don't have anything to write about. I normally just write about what's goin on, and what I'm doing. This IS what I'm doing, pretty sad isn't it? I think it is.
Today after soccer practice I got to go over to EHCA and watch them play Pittsburgh East. I saw Ms. Fedon who said that everybody talks about me(good thing/bad thing?) and Mrs. Busler who didn't reconise me at first, she just kinda stared at me, and then was like "oh hi!" (not as dramatic of course, only as dramatic as Mrs. Busler gets)
9/24/2001 08:46:00 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2001
What does it mean to have a life?
"This is the life"
"Get a life"
"Life on the edge"
I don't seem to have much of a "life" anymore. I have to get up so early for school that I have no time in the morning for devotions; every morning is a hassle and a race to just get out the door so I don't miss the bus.
There's no life at school. Go to class, go to the next class, want to talk to your friend in the hall? Too bad, you'll be late.
Soccer everyday after school, there's one good thing.
Get home-sometimes not till 8 o'clock.
Do homework, study for tests.
Give the last few waking moments to God before I die from exaustion.
What a great life. I hate it. I don't hate living(at least I don't think so) I hate the circumstances surronding me.
People will ask me, "so how are you doing?"
I don't know how to answer. The best thing I can come up with is a long sigh and say "alright I guess."
9/22/2001 05:28:00 PM
My leg itches.
9/22/2001 02:27:00 PM
Friday, September 21, 2001
I hate school.
Did I say that already? I don't care.
9/21/2001 06:37:00 PM
Tonight is homecoming for Freeport!!!
Big flop, like I care.
Today was the first day in like 2 months that we haven't had a game or practice. (Excluding Sundays) So I get to just be at home and relax and not have to go to "the big(football) game, EVERYONE'S gonna be there!"
Yyaaayyyy, everyone that sounds great.
9/21/2001 06:35:00 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2001
Public Landfills--ah, I mean schools really make you appreciate the weekends. I just need to make it through tomarrow.
Tonight's game against Highlands was going pretty well at first, but then the refs deiced they were tired of doing a good job. We had guys getting cards left and right, AND seriously fouled.
I'm disqusted, and I dispise highschool "referees." The one punk we had tonight even threw our coach out of the game.
Soccer is my one, reason that I can stand school, and we can't get any decent officials(I think I said that already)
Anyways, I'm sorry if my blogs aren't making you laugh, I guess there's nothing to laugh at anymore.
9/20/2001 09:32:00 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2001
It's late, I need to get to bed so I can get up and go to the school that I hate tomarrow.
All I really have time to say is that I wish I had more of it.
Life sucks, we played Mars tonight, one of the dirtiest teams we've played so far. In the first 7 mintues I tackled this kid and he just sat on me, he wouldn't get off. So I threw him off, and the referee threw me out of the game. The one thing about highschool that I like...and I couldn't even do it. We won 3-2 anyways.
9/19/2001 09:51:00 PM
Monday, September 17, 2001
My sister's gone. She's at college. MY sister. I keep wanting to go into her room and talk to her, or expect her to be on the computer(which she took w/her, I'm using my laptop now) or ask her a question about something I don't understand.
It's werid with out her here.
9/17/2001 05:34:00 PM
Friday, September 14, 2001
I can't sister is actually going to college, she's LEAVING. It's one of those things you always talk about and know is coming, but you never expect it to actually happen.
Tomarrow after my game we'll driver her out to Ohio. It's gonna be really diff. w/out her, probablly a little less lively.
9/14/2001 04:17:00 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2001
26 metric conversions
4 multiple part Algebra II problems( i.e. given the sequence {4, 7, 12, 19, 28, 39, 52...}find t sub. n )
Conjugate three spanish verbs and worksheet-quiz tomarrow
Study for Diver's Ed. Test tomarrow
Chapter's 5-9 in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein w/journal responses
Pages 394-399 in American Cultures Text book
All this, after getting home at 7:30 from a soccer game, yes I'm complaining.
9/13/2001 08:52:00 PM
That's what you heard out on Freeport soccer feild tonight.(We played Kittaning)
Score at half time: Kittaning - 1 Freeport - 0
Then, our right fullback chips one in over the goal keepers head from midfeild. The exictement builds.
Moments later we scored again. We're absolutely crazy by this time.
With 15 mintues left Kittaning scores off a corner kick. We held them till regulation time ran out.
Overtime 1 - scoreless, I had to come out 'cause I couldn't breathe.
Double Overtime - Kittaning keeper comes out of the 18 to block a shot, our sweeper puts it away for the win.
You would not belive the energy out on the field by now, it was incredible.
9/13/2001 07:21:00 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2001
I LIKE: Sleep
I HATE: School
I EAT: My fingers if I get bored enough
I THINK: That school is really boring
I SMELL: bbblllloooooooooooodddddd not really
I...I can't think of anything else.
9/12/2001 05:11:00 PM
School's really boring-sit around, listen to all the propoganda and lies. Put up with stupid lectures and cheap means to keep us entertained. It's a lot of fun, right.
It's amazing how much smarter the students are Freeport are than anybody in the U.S. government. I mean, it's OBVIOUSLY Palistine, and that, dude, the uh terrorists guy, I forget his name, but I mean *duh* you gotta know it's him. So we should just like bomb them, what else are you going to do? I mean come on, these government people have to idea what they're doing, they're so stupid.
(That's all sarcastic in case you hadn't caught on)
9/12/2001 05:04:00 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2001
I hate homework, I hate it even more when you have 74 Algebra II problems to do.
9/11/2001 03:31:00 PM
I don't really have a lot to say about what's been happening in our country. Except for the fact that A)I think it's pretty much everybody's opinion that the government should be relentless in it's search, and ruthless in punishment and B) we spent all day watching the news in school today.(that's a good thing)
The bad thing is that we were supposed to have a big game against Mars today, one of the top ranked teams in our sections and they canceld it because of Freeport Highshool's significant importance to the U.S. government making it a potential terrorist target. Right.
9/11/2001 03:14:00 PM
Saturday, September 08, 2001
Freeport: - 3
St. Joe's: - 1
I played pretty much the whole game, I had to come out twice 'cause my leg hurt.(Last game against Burrel this kid wrecked me, totally knocked me off-kicked me in the shin-which SHOULD have been a card) anyways we played really well today.
I'm so glad it's the weekend. I've only been in school 2 days, and I can't belive I have to do this ALL YEAR.
We went to see "The Others" last night. It was okay, kinda stupid though, not much of a plot.
9/08/2001 01:41:00 PM
Friday, September 07, 2001
Don't ask me how school went, read this. If it's too much for you, ask me and I'll give it to you in segments.
Thursday, September 6th, 2001Judgement Day For Zachary
6:10 - Rolling out of bed and onto my floor, banging my head against a desk on the way down I turn my alarm off and crawl into the shower where I'm shaken away by a deluge of freezing cold water.
6:50 - somehow I manged to get dressed, eat, brush, gel my hair and run out the door in 40 min to make the ¼mile walk to my bus stop.
By the time you get to school time is no longer an issue, it's simply when the bell rings. Nobody says "oh it's 10:30, time for my Algebra class w/Mr. Doesntcareaboutanything." Nope, the bell rings and you head to room number 72. What subject? Teacher? You find out when you get there. How long is the class? Be in the room when the bell rings, and leave the room when the bell rings. You're totally cut off from clocks until you get home.(Which is usually around 8 that night if you're lucky enough to have soccer everyday after school)
Okay, so here's a rundown of my classes:
Homeroom: Sit around while loud ditzy self-centered people talk all around me, trying to see around "the new kid**"
Spanish II: teacher greets us with "this class is too big, but that's okay 'cause I know half of you are morons anyways" and proceeds to
throw our folders at us.
Honors Algebra II: Old teacher(who acts young) w/a hearing aid asks how you would add one half and one third(fractions) student replies "5/12" Teacher then proceeds to tell "the new kid**" how he thinks that the new kid does not know his algebra very well.(the "new kid**" has never talked to this teacher before and wonders how/why he makes these assumptions)
Honors English 10 happy preppy giddy teacher(Mrs. Boring) excitedly tells us how much HOMEWORK we're going to have, and about all the READING we have to do and all the QUIZES we'll take "probably close to one everyday, but, THAT'S why your in HONORS enlgish! Isn't this EXCITING class???"
ChemistryFinally a breath of fresh air. Cool teacher(our soccer coach) and we're in one of the newer rooms that's not hot and dusy and smelly.
Lunch The "new kid**" sits by himself in lunch B 'cause all his friends are in lunch A, "new kid" gets reading homework done(nerd)
American CulturesStupid teacher that the "new kid" hates talks to the class like they are preschoolers, which is not very far from the truth. When asked to name any person, event, or date in American history from 1492 to the Civil War, answers like "Magellen!" or "Napolen" "President Kennedy!" come up. When Mrs. Preschool teacher asks the class if George Washington was ever in Western PA, the "new kid**" says that he fought his first battle as a comander in the French and Indian War at Fort. Nessisity. Automaticly labled as "one of those smart people"
Drivers Ed by this time of the day "new kid**" has fallen asleep, from boredom and lack of rest"
Advanced Computer Applications Werid teacher w/a werid last name(female) explains the 1000000000 rules about the computer "lab"
**The new kid
The people who go to this school have lived here all their lives and always gone to school together, always had the same classes, and prob. have never been out of the state. So when a new funny-looking Korean kid comes to the school, everyone knows who the "new kid" is.
I'll probablly write more when I think of it.
9/07/2001 04:51:00 PM
Wednesday, September 05, 2001
Tomarrow I will die.
9/05/2001 05:58:00 PM
Tuesday, September 04, 2001
6 Yellow Cards
2 Red Cards
A million fouls, called and not called.
We lost to Shady Side tonight, horrible reffing.
But you don't want to hear about that and I don't want to talk about it.
Tonight is my last night for staying up late. Coming Soon: "Changes" - by Zach Weber.(that's me, the person writing this)
It's late, I must sleep
9/04/2001 09:32:00 PM
It must have been really funny to see. Two idoits-one bleached-headed, one funny lookin, riding around Springdale on two motorized scooters, pretending like they were cool. I would haved laughed if I saw Chris and myself riding around on gopeds. But, we already look like idoits, and the gopeds can't possibly make it any worse.
This is really starting to stink sitting around not doing anything. Everybody I know has already started, so there's really nothing to do. I'll never WANT to go to school, and I don't think I'll ever be
ready for it, so I might as well go and get it over with.
9/04/2001 12:16:00 PM
Monday, September 03, 2001
Wow, I'm really behind writing these things.
Um, went to a Jenifer Knapp consert yesterday in Altoona, but of course being the homeschooled family that we are we had to stop at some historical site or something like that. Today, I had soccer practice-we have our first section game against Shady Side tomarrow, who's the 3rd top ranked team.
Today we might be goin to see Buble Boy, but it goes somethin like this:
Bekah and Rachel won't go if Bobbi won't go.
Bobbi won't go if Kelly won't go.
Kelly won't go if Matt doesn't go.
Matt won't go if Bobbi's sister doesn't go.
Bobbi's sister doesn't want to go.
It's usually SOMETHING like that, so two loosers (Ugly and myself) end up goin, actin all cool, or trying at least. Oh well.
9/03/2001 09:45:00 AM
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